National Adult Hep B Vaccination Awareness Day
Today is the FIRST EVER National Adult Hep B Vaccination Awareness Day!
This is such an important milestone in the fight against hepatitis B and totally preventable death and suffering.
As the world races for a vaccine for COVID 19, we are reminded of just how important vaccines are and the many deadly diseases that have been eliminated because of vaccines. Sadly, many do not realize hepatitis B is one such disease that could be defeated if only there was greater awareness and vaccination.
Did you know:
Hepatitis B infection is increasing in the US?
Despite a safe and effective vaccine, only 25% of adults are fully vaccinated for it?
Approximately 2/3rds of those infected do not know it because of lack of symptoms and awareness?
Hepatitis B causes 50% of liver cancer worldwide
1 in 4 with unmanaged hepatitis B will develop deadly liver diseases
With a safe, affordable and effective vaccine and healthy outcomes for those that manage their hepatitis B infections early, there is no reason why this suffering and death have to occur.
Get tested and get vaccinated. Spread the word and you can literally save lives.
For more information, please visit the Hep B Foundation: