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Treasurer Fiona Ma urges Asian Pacific Islander Community to get vaccinated

Statement from Fiona Ma, CPA California State Treasurer:

Sacramento- It’s been a tough year and I applaud Governor Gavin Newsom’s leadership in navigating us through this pandemic.

I was born with Hepatitis B. Since 2007 I have been on the frontlines breaking the stigma and asking our Asian Pacific Islander (API) communities to get tested and vaccinated.

Similarly regarding the COVID vaccine, there has been a lot of misconceptions and questions however this vaccine is the first step to recovery so we can begin returning to normal.

The vaccine is safe, effective, and serves as the best line of defense against COVID-19. All essential health care workers who have not yet received the vaccine are highly encouraged to get vaccinated during this initial phase. In the coming months, when the vaccine becomes more widely available to the public, anyone who is able to should get vaccinated.

Chinese Hospital has doctors and experts that can help answer your questions in your native language.

Don’t be afraid to ask so you are well informed of what to expect from the vaccine. Educational materials are also available in Chinese on the CDC website or through Chinese Hospital.

The vaccine will be no cost to you through your insurance or a government program for the uninsured. Our safety and our economy depends on us all doing our part to protect our loved ones and one another.

Thank you!

Fiona is married to Jason Hodge, a Ventura County firefighter. As an essential worker, he will receive his first COVID vaccination on January 4, 2021.

The State Treasurer’s Office is the State’s Banker and has been “open for business” every work day since the Governor’s Stay-at-Home order was issued on March 16, 2020 and deemed an essential government agency.


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