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Millbrae 2.0 Business Initiative

An initiative aimed to boost hepatitis B awareness in high-risk businesses. 


随着 COVID 新冠大流行的继续,旧金山消弭乙肝项目寻求创新方法来继续其教育社区和临床医生的使命,但无法在社区提供乙型肝炎筛查或面对面的教育。通过这种努力,旧金山消弭乙肝项目的 Hepatitis B ECHO 诞生了。与 ECHO 项目、Hep B United、乙型肝炎基金会和国家乙型肝炎特别工作组合作,SF Hep B Free 成功于 2020 年 10 月启动了其首个美国成人乙型肝炎 ECHO 计划,并将该计划持续到 2022 年 11 月。

ECHO 模型是一种全国认可的医师教育模型,使用成熟的成人学习技术和交互式视频技术,ECHO 模型™通过定期实时协作会议将初级保健提供者组与专家联系起来。这些课程围绕基于案例的学习和指导设计,帮助当地的卫教医疗服务人员能获得提供服务时所需的专业知识。每个会议包括 1-2 个案例讨论和一个简短的教学,旨在使提供者能够在第一线保健环境中评估、监测和治疗乙型肝炎患者。

As part of this work we are also honoring businesses that participate and support our work on Facebook and here on our website!


The business initiative faced some challenges as working with businesses to share and leave behind our materials was more difficult than we anticipated.

Still we were able to visit 51 stores (nearly every Asian serving downtown shop), held 2 restaurant educations, and had 7 community education events in the district.

Engagement has been mixed but we were able to put up 15+ flyers and educate 30+ employees and owners. Many were unaware of the risk of hepatitis B.

More Information on This Program

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